Please receive the invitation from the Health and Wellness Committee of the General Assembly. The concept note, prepared by the convener of the Committee, reads as follows:
The UPCSA General Assembly Health and Wellness Committee (HWC) recognizes October 2021, Mental Health Awareness month, by hosting a webinar to bring to the fore the reality and impact of mental health on our general well-being.
The webinar would focus on the mental impacts of COVID-19, including issues of anxiety, depression, grief and how we can practically deal with all these, without neglecting our medical and spiritual principles.
We look forward to an affirmative participation from the UPCSA family.
Herewith attached, please find the invite and program.
Warmest regards,
Rev Dr Lungile Mpetsheni
General Secretary
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
Secretary – Africa Communion of Reformed Churches
P O Box 12355
Aston Manor 1630
Tel : + 27 11 727-3500