TO ALL IN THE UPCSA Please receive herewith attached an intimation of the passing away of the mother of the Rev Magagane. We convey our deepest condolences to the Rev Magagane and his family on […]
TO ALL IN THE UPCSA Please receive herewith attached an intimation of the passing away of the mother of the Rev Magagane. We convey our deepest condolences to the Rev Magagane and his family on […]
TO ALL IN THE UPCSA Please keep the family of the Rt Rev Dr Peter and Mrs Sally Langerman in your prayers at this time. Sally’s father, Mr Ernie Williams, went home to be with […]
TO ALL IN THE UPCSA With sadness and sorrow, I hereby announce the passing on of the Rev Xolisa Xolani Vatela. The details are in the document that is herewith attached, please receive. We join […]
TO ALL IN THE UPCSA It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing on of Mama Evodia Letsheleha, the mother of the Rev Tieho Letsheleha and Mrs Matshediso Piroe in […]
TO ALL IN THE UPCSA You are kindly requested to keep in your prayers our dear brothers and sisters in the ministry who are not feeling well. The Rev Harris S Majeke is in hospital […]