It is indeed with deep sadness that we communicate the following bereavements that we received notices of over the weekend:

  1. Mrs Doreen Pons, the wife of the late Rev Edwin Pons passed away over the weekend. She died at the age of 91 years. The family is planning a private family arrangement for her sending off. Mrs Pons was resident within the Presbytery of the Central Cape.
  2. The Rev Robert Thema lost his mother on Saturday. Funeral service arrangements will be announced as soon as they become available. Rev R M Thema is a minister to St Silas Congregation (Evaton),  Lekoa Presbytery.
  3. Mrs Sokutu lost her husband on Saturday. Funeral service arrangements will be announced as soon as they become available. Mrs Sokutu is the Clerk of Amathole Presbytery.


We convey our deepest condolences to all the bereaved families. We pray that the souls of the departed may rest in eternal peace. Let us continue to uphold them in our prayers.

Warmest regards,

Rev Dr Lungile Mpetsheni


General Secretary

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