Dear Friends,
This month, in place of my usual letter which I have always tried to keep to two pages, I send you a transcript of my address to the 20th Anniversary Celebrations at Isaac Wolfson Stadium, Central Cape Presbytery on Saturday, the 28th September 2019. It outlines my view of the direction the Church needs to take if we are to ensure that we have a future, and what we need to embrace now if we are to “Live our Legacy”.
The statistics, the information and the substance is not all my own work, it has been taken from a variety of sources. To the best of my knowledge the statistics are correct, the information is sound and the substance is sobering. But we are not without hope – we have time to make the changes that are needed and we can flourish into the future so that when we next celebrate a major anniversary it will be a renewed sense of dependence upon the God who has continued to carry and support us.
Your friend, servant and partner in the gospel