The Priorities and Resources Committee, working with other Committees of the General Assembly, responds to the repeated call to determine how to be and do church during and post COVID-19.
Towards that end, the Committee realised there is need to get information on what is going on in the life and work of the Church. The Committee need to know how the livelihood of congregations etc is affected by this pandemic and the lockdowns, and the responses of the congregations to the challenges. Such information will help the concerned Committees in the work of discernment that they are engaging in.
The Presbytery Clerks have been requested to collect and collate the information from the congregations in their presbyteries and forward a synopsis of the situation in the congregations, with suggestions of the possible action(s) that may be taken to abate the worsening situation, where such is the case. It will also be interesting to get a report of the missional activities undertaken at every level (Congregation and Presbytery) to respond to COVID -19. The Clerks should send responses to the Convener of the P&R Committee, the Rev Paul Neshangwe by Thursday 30th April 2020.
You are, therefore requested to forward information related to the circumstances of your congregation to your Presbytery Clerk soon, so that the Clerks will be in a position to submit by the 30th April 2020.
May God help us to do our best to fight against the spread of coronavirus. Stay safe and blessed.
Warmest Regards
Rev Lungile Mpetsheni
General Secretary