Dear Presbyterians,
The South African Chapter of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) is organizing an Ecumenical Service for all the churches who believe in unity especially those who come from the traditions that signed the JDDJ document and are part of the agreement/commitment to unity. The Service will be held on Sunday, the 31st October, 2021, at 14:00 in a hybrid form, i.e. physically and virtually. The physical venue is the St George’s Anglican Cathedral in Cape Town.
There are five church traditions that are signatories of the JDDJ; namely The Catholics, the Lutherans (under the Lutheran World Federation), the Wesleyan, the Reformed (under the World Communion of Reformed Churches – the UPCSA is part of this structure), and the Anglicans. The JDDJ purposes to promote church unity and counter those anathemas that led to schisms, so that we may all be one.
The JDDJ Committee invites all to join and participate in this service either physically or virtually. It is envisaged that the Christians in the Western Cape, who are in a position to do so, will support the service by attending physically.
Those who will join virtually may do so through the following ZOOM connection details.
Meeting ID: 839 5633 6723
Passcode: 347882
Warmest regards,
Rev Dr Lungile Mpetsheni