Please read for further understanding of the JDDJ the work that has been produced by the Rev Dr Peter Langerman, which was published this year in Verbum et Ecclesia:
The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) developed out of understanding of the doctrine of justification and how that doctrine relates to social ethics. The article briefly describes how the doctrine of justification and sanctification developed in various traditions and how it came to be seen in the liberal theological context of the late 19th century before a corrective in the middle of the 20th century. I examine the way in which the doctrine has been criticised by oppressed persons and how we might respond to those criticisms. Finally, a way forward is suggested that might help us to apply the significant gains of the JDDJ to the whole sphere of social ethics for us here in South Africa.
Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This paper seeks to integrate the work done by the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and Systematic Theology from an historical perspective via a literature survey so as to evaluate the JDDJ’s impact on social ethics.
The JDDJ Committee invites all to join and participate in this service either physically or virtually. It is envisaged that the Christians in the Western Cape, who are in a position to do so, will support the service by attending physically.
Those who will join virtually may do so through the following ZOOM connection details.
Meeting ID: 839 5633 6723
Passcode: 347882
Warmest regards,
Rev Dr Lungile Mpetsheni
General Secretary
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
Secretary – Africa Communion of Reformed Churches